My sister Belinda has never been prudish about taking off all her clothes and sunbathing nude outside in our backyard as we grew up. In fact, all three of us would frequently skinny dip in our large in-ground pool either alone, together or with our girlfriends. Our mom eventually was OK with it (we never did it around our dad), but sometimes she felt embarrassed if a friend or client of hers dropped by unexpectedly.
Though Bel is not an exhibitionist by any stretch, she's a little more uninhibited than she was in high school. As she will acknowledge, having nude pics of yourself spread about amongst your classmates sort of does that thing to you. So while Bel certainly wouldn't go walking around nude in mixed familiar company, she and three girlfriends did spend some time at nude beaches one year during college on summer break a few years back.
At one point in their trip, they were staying at a small hotel along the beach. The hotel had a pool and toplessness was perfectly acceptable both in and alongside the pool and in the hotel itself while going to and from the pool area. Full nudity, though, was discouraged.
So one day they decided they'd head down to the beach and find a relatively secluded spot to swim and sunbath fully naked. One of Bel's friends, Libby, wanted to put on her bikini - at least until they got down to a spot on the beach. But Bel and the other two girls, knowing Lib would probably never take it off, insisted they leave the hotel in towels only and carry them once they were on the beach. Eventually Libby relented.
They found a nice, quiet spot, laid down their towels, pinned their hotel key card to one of them and took in the sea breeze and the sun.
At some point in the afternoon, they were all laying on their backs, their knees up, when they heard a sound. Looking up, they saw in front of them a young guy in his 20s taking photos of them. Stunned and outraged, all four of them jumped up to confront the pervert.
As most of you may know, Bel's sharp tongue can peel the bark off trees and she let loose on him. The guy at first took it in stride, even insulting her about her breasts as compared to those of her friends. Then Libby slapped the guy hard across the face and demanded he turn over the digital camera card. When he refused and started to walk away, Bel and her friends followed and soon a chase ensued.
Several hundred yards down the beach, the chase ended when Bel tackled the asshole from behind, grabbing at his swim trunks. Her friends quickly pulled them off completely and Bel ripped them in half. Lib grabbed the guy's camera and hurled it into the sea. They spat, swore and taunted at the now-naked loser, then threw the remains of his trunks at him and told him to get lost. The guy went off running as Bel and her friends laughed and gave each other high-fives.
But when they walked back to their spot on the beach, their towels were gone! Even worse, since their hotel key card was pinned to one of them, that meant having to not only walk back and into the hotel fully naked, but having to ask staff at the front desk for a replacement key card!
Neither of them wanted to be the one to walk in alone, so rock-scissors-paper decided it would be Libby and Becky, while Bel and Ashley waited outside, trying to remain somewhat inconspicuous around the hotel pool.
Bel's friends were quite embarrassed as they not only had to walk inside and up to the front desk fully naked, but a young male clerk decided to take advantage of their embarrassing predicament to demand photo identification, that he couldn't just give them replacement room cards without them proving who they were. So he made them stand there several minutes while fetching a manager.
Meanwhile, as Bel friends related the incident to the rest of us when they got back home, the whispering, murmurs and giggling from people in the lobby began to grow louder. To Libby's chagrin, one young male Japanese tourist tapped her on her shoulder, causing her to instinctively turn. When she did, his traveling companion snapped a photo of him standing next to her before she could throw a hand down to cover her pubes. She was soon aware that tourist wasn't the only one snapping pictures, as a number of the dozen or so people standing or sitting around in the lobby were holding up various devices that no doubt are still causing laughter around the world at Bel's friends' expense.
Finally, a middle age female manager arrived and no doubt enjoyed scolding Lib and Becky for walking into the lobby nude, forcing them to explain the whole incident at the beach over again. Finally, satisfied that their full nudity wasn't intentional, she led them to the elevators. Lib asked if they might be given towels first, to which the manager replied, ''Of course. I'll have someone go get some.'' Knowing that would only prolong their exposure in the lobby they decided to go with the manager to their room in order to fetch their IDs to prove who they were.
After another embarrassing encounter with several guests in the elevators, including several young pre-teenage boys, one of whom decided to pinch Becky on her bare butt, the manager opened their room with a new key card and Libby and Becky got their IDs to prove their identity. The manager gave them the new room card and each of them quickly threw on a top and pair of shorts, grabbed two towels and headed back downstairs to find Belinda and Ashley.
In the lobby, they saw some people snickering and pointing at their return to others. Going outside, they found Bel and Ash standing shyly in the pool and gave them the room card and the towels. As all four of them heading back inside, Bel and Ash began complaining that Libby and Becky took way too long to return and they should have brought them some clothes or at least robes instead of two small towels that they could barely fasten around their waist while covering their breasts with their arms.
Libby and Becky really didn't need to hear any lip after enduring a good twenty or so minutes of embarrassment. So as they all got ready to step into an already half-full elevator, Becky said she and Libby would meet Bel and Ash upstairs after getting some ice at the front desk. Then, in a flash, as my sister and Ash walked into the elevator, Lib grabbed Bel's towel, Becky grabbed Ashley's and the elevator doors closed to a chorus of giggles and two embarrassing screams.