Very Personal Stuff

Skinny-dipping & Nude Sunbathing/Suntanning
Yes, I've been unexpectedly caught skinny-dipping a few times. Embarrassing to be sure, but not the end of the world. I prefer to sunbathe/suntan nude in private or with my girlfriends. My mom has a large, private backyard with a beautiful in-ground pool and even once I moved away for college, I've spent most of my summers there.

I've never had to worry about snooping neighbors. But when one of your younger sisters decides to prank you by letting the barely-a-teenager newspaper boy through the house and around back (without telling you)? And then calls for you to come out of the pool to fill in a check your mom left? Well, there's not much you can do but just stand there, grin and bare it when you walk around a corner on your way into the house and practically run smack into the stunned and soon widely grinning boy.

Although I was spanked while growing up, I don't resent it now and I certainly don't feel I was abused. Sure, I'd rather not have been spanked. But to be honest, I can't think of one spanking I got that I probably didn't deserve.

As for the most embarrassing spankings I received? That's easy. The ones for which I was bared and/or which were in the presence of relatives, guests and classmates.

Why It's a Bad Idea to Stuff Your Bra
Never, never, never, never stuff your bra in high school. Unless you are prepared to deal with the embarrassment and humiliation of everyone finding out, charging and convicting you of ''major bust fraud'' - through visual evidence which is shared as proof to your classmates of your obvious misrepresentation of your bust size! Just trust me on this one.

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