
This page on my blog is an expanded verson of my Second Life profile, allowing SL users to view my snapshots, my favorite SL hangouts, role play limits and read more about me in general, both SL and RL.

I've formatted this page for those using an SL viewer. For those using an external browser, please click here.

I'm also adding SLURLs for the benefit of SL users who might want to visit my picks or other SL places of interest.

As I've noted in my picks (see first Hedera tab) I find it easier to use some of my RL experiences and personality and blend it into roleplay (RP).

While I'm not comfortable sharing too many RL details (my RL first name is Belinda, I'm 27 and giving out where I graduated college from would make it fairly easy for any stalker to find me), I'm not at all shy on voicing my opinion on current events (as you can read on this blog) or discussing some quite shameful and humiliating experiences I've had in RL.

Since it often comes up with guys (who are having things of their come up, hence the question they will ask me, I'm not into spanking per se. But, yes, I've been spanked, as a child and as an adult, and yes quite publicly (once by my 5th grade teacher) and yes on not infrequently quite bare too (by my mom, my grandmother and my aunt).

To sum it up:

  • Spanked growing up? Yes
  • Spanked bare? (blushes)
  • Spanked bare in front of boys? (face turns crimson)

    Need I really say more on that topic?

    (Except to say that I don't feel abused. My mom never spanked out of hate or anger. And I can't honestly say that I didn't deserve each and every one of those spankings that I received. My sisters say that thanks to me they got spanked a whole lot less than I did by learning from my mistakes.)

    As an adult, probably the most foolish thing I did that led me getting spanked was making a bet on the 2005 World Series with a guy with whom I had gone to high school.

    Because of those fucking Astros, who couldn't hit water had they fallen into the Gulf of Mexico, I ended up fully naked over his lap and getting my bare butt spanked, as several of my girlfriends watched and laughed. And that's enough of that!

    As for the nude photos of me, suffice it to say that it really, really sucks having your whole high school know what you look like totally naked at eighteen.

    There certainly was no sense in me stuffing my bra after that. Not after all the jokes that I should be charged with committing "bust fraud" and that I should be president of the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee."

    In fact, there was really not much of a point in me even wearing a bra - or anything else - to school after that. Not when the number of my shaving bumps became common knowledge and the tightness of my pussy was analyzed and discussed.
    But that was ten years ago. I'm over it, don't want nor expect any sympathy and would prefer not to discuss it. I will say the embarrassment made the spanking in class over my panties with my skirt up that my 5th grade teacher gave me seem trivial. And I most certainly deserved that spanking for hauling off and hitting a boy who had lifted up my skirt. In fact, I wouldn't have faulted my teacher had she felt so inclined to pull my panties down, too.

    As for my boobs, okay, okay. Yes, it's true that I wore a training bra for most of high school years. And it sucked having even 14-year, old 9th grade boys tease me that their twelve and thirteen year-old sisters had bigger boobs than me. Plus, there were all the "Flat as Kansas" jokes and guys saying, "Here comes breakfast" - noting that my breasts were as flat as pancakes).

    As for SL embarrassment, in trying to make my avatar look as close to my RL appearance that was problematic in trying to get my flat chest look. When I first joined SL, I found that even the boobs on teenage shapes put my own RL ones to shame! How humiliating!

    But eventually I found a tatto layer that lessened the cleavage and breasts shadows on my avatar.

    So now I think you can understand why I wrote in my profile that as to RP:

    "It's totally fair RP to take embarrassing snapshots of me to post in-world, on your profile feed, on the net,

    share with others or cause me public humiliation. You don't need to ask my permission. Being stripped naked, photographed nude, spanked at school and humiliated in RL over the years is far worse."

    OK. Speaking of RP limits, let's get down to it.

    My RP limits appply whether it's at Hedera College or anywhere else on SL:

    No need to ask to RP with me. Just start it. I also prefer that it be conducted in local chat. (Many sims require or encourage this anyway.) It also gives the opportunity for other users to join in

    I am often impertinent and some professors think I need an occasional dressing down (or is that "dress down"?) to knock the "chip" off my shoulder.

    Once such professor was Cornel Winkler at Hillcrest College. He walked into the women's locker room and caught me showering at an alleged prohibited time. As I had accidentally locked my key in my locker, I couldn't prove my identity nor get dressed.

    When I got disrespectful he decided to march me through the administration building with me clad only in a skimpy, totally inadequate towel in plain view of several snickering undergrad students.

    He then gave me an ultimatium: either follow him upstairs to his office or wait in nothing but that skimpy towel in the main lobby until the morning security guard's shift started. Given that embarrassing alternative, I reluctantly followed him upstairs to his office where he took his time verifying my identity and enrollment status on the college's computer system.

    Therefore it's OK for instructors and faculty to abuse their authority and humiliate me (even in front of others, even in class) - even publicly discipline me in front of other students -

    to a point. What that point is may vary depending on the RP, the location, the instructor, others involved, my mood, etc. (That could, unfortunately for me, even mean my full nudity, if OK by sim rules.)

    Also, if you catch me in a compromising position, (undressed, sunbathing, showering, etc.) feel free to take embarrassing snapshots of me to post in-world, on your profile feed, on the net or share them with others to cause me embarrassment.

    I'll just have to grin and bear it. You don't need to ask for my permission. Really. That's totally fair in RP, as far as I'm concerned.

    Clinic staff at Hedera College can pull me out of class or demand my presence at any time (if I'm online, whether in the sim or not) and ALWAYS has total COMPLETE CONTROL over my modesty, no matter who may be present - even if during the most intimate of physical exams. To my chagrin, that includes impromptu "hands-on" teaching classes for med students.

    (Apparently, I'm also unaware the college has an authorization form on file I inadvertently signed during enrollment agreeing to be a test patient for the medical school in exchange for a tuition break, allowing me to also be anaesthetized without warning or prior consent for training purposes, incl. filmed, photographed and distributed for med class.)

    Being at the mercy of the clinic staff has also lead to several embarrassing incidents. One time, while sedated, a number of students walked in to find me laying on an exam table in just one of those flimsy hospital gowns.

    Unfortunately for me they thought it would be funny to remove it as I lay there. How long I was exposed like that and how many students and staff might have sneaked a peek at me from the nearby hallway I will never know.

    But I do know it was quite embarrassing to be awakened by the assistant dean, smirking at me and asking me why I was laying there on my back totally naked with a lit joint sticking out of my slit.

    Given the circumstances, I certaintly could have been quite OWNED by her. But thankfully she believed me that a nurse must have given me an overdose, leaving me vunerable to pranksters.

    I'm not a "bimbo" by any means, but I do sometimes have trouble with alcohol, including allowing my friends to talk me into doing some things that I end up mortified about later, which in this case below was mirrored from having worn this in RL.

    (In RL with me wearing a much smaller diaper, one better suited for a two-year old that was tied on me with string and not only left most of my butt crack exposed in the back but didn't even fully cover my mound or my landing strip!)

    Then, of course, there are times in which I might have had one two many margaritas and conked out only to wake up unaware of the circumstances which led me to be undressed, or to be awoken in that state by well-meaning individuals, leading to some quite embarrassing situations as you might imagine.

    As I'm a virgin (not ashamed of that, either, btw), you can obviously see that there might be some situations where, to be fair in a RP setting, I might unwittingly be taken advantage of, perhaps with me not even knowing about it.

    Please RP in Local Chat. (OK for you to IM others to plot against me.) Be honest as a role player: act as you'd have to in RL. (i.e. don't cam me from afar to take pics thru walls, etc.)

    Please follow SL TOS & Hedera sim rules; don't godmod. When in doubt, send a quick IM.

    To view an expanded list of my favorite places in SL, as well as more snapshots, click here.
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