Saturday, May 14, 2011

Osama bin Laden and Girls Gone Wild

Just like many holier-than-thou U.S. politicians and commentators who preach 'family values' in public while practicing quite differently in private, Osama bin Laden has been caught with his proverbial pants down.

The U.S. Navy Seal Team that killed the world's most infamous terrorist found a huge stash of porn at his Pakistani hideout (no word yet on whether any of it is of the kiddie-variety).

The porn seizure shows what a fucking hypocrite bin Laden was.

In a 2002 ''letter to the American people,'' bin Laden denounced American culture and took exception to how women dress, saying we are being exploited.

''Your nation exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools, calling upon customers to purchase them,'' he wrote. ''You plaster your naked daughters across billboards in order to sell a product without any shame. You have brainwashed your daughters into believing they are liberated by wearing revealing clothes, yet in reality all they have liberated is your sexual desire.''

Yet al Qaeda didn't hesitate to use videos of the decapitation and ruthless murder of journalist Daniel Pearl as an advertising and recruiting tool.

But while he was taking exception publicly to what clothes I sometimes like to wear, privately apparently not even three wives were enough to satisfy HIS sexual desire.

According to the Daily Mail, the U.S. team seized dozens of X-rated and other pornographic videos from Bin Laden's compound in the short time they were able to grab some stuff before escaping from Pakistan into the night with the dead terrorist's body. New releases were even brought to him by courier and apparently were done so without the knowledge of his wives or his 12-year old daughter.

Pornographic videos, naked cheerleaders, lesbians making out. Perhaps the entire collection of Girls Gone Wild tapes?

Apparently bin Laden wasn't so certain in his belief that 72 virgins were awaiting him after all? But even if he does find them, hopefully each one of them will be armed with a very sharp knife and will cut off his manhood, repeating it day after day, for all eternity.

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