Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tragedy in Arizona

It is sad how low some people with political agendas have stooped to exploit today's tragedy in Arizona, where a number of people were ruthlessly murdered. Within hours Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffordsafter the attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' life, many radio and TV news personalities and political pundits were trying to explain the shooting as the work of opponents of the health care law.

In the days ahead you'll likely hear opponents of the Second Amendment use this horrifying act to call for stricter gun control - despite the fact that the Arizona Congresswoman herself is a strong supporter of gun rights.

What you won't hear from the far left and other bleeding hearts - and frankly from not enough Republicans either - is that the shooter shouldn't just be 'brought to justice' as we'll hear over and over, he should, if convicted, be given the death penalty for his actions.

The assassination of federal Judge John Roll and the attempt on the life of a Member of Congress is an attack on all Americans. There is no excuse, political or otherwise, for this abominable behavior. No excuse.

All decent Americans should pray for the speedy recovery of Congresswoman Giffords and the others who were injured, as well as for the families of those slain.

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